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Connecting VLC to an HD-BIT-T System using a vLAN


Connecting VLC to an HD-BIT-T system requires setting up a vLAN and configuring a multicast route. This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step.

Table of Contents


  • A working HD-BIT-T system.
  • VLC installed on your machine.
  • route and tcpdump utilities installed.

Creating a VLAN Interface

Before setting up the multicast route, you need to create a VLAN interface.

  1. List your existing network interfaces to identify the parent interface.
nmcli device status
  1. Create a new VLAN interface. Assuming your parent interface is eth0 and your VLAN ID is 477:
sudo nmcli con add type vlan con-name vlan477 dev eth0 id 477

Setting Up the Route

After setting up the VLAN interface, the next step is to add a route for multicast traffic. To do this, run the following command:

route add -net dev vlan477

Making the Route Persistent

To make the route persistent across system reboots, you can add a static route to the NetworkManager connection profile for the VLAN interface.

  1. First, find the name of the NetworkManager connection that corresponds to your VLAN interface.
nmcli con show
  1. Assuming the connection name is vlan477, add the static route:
sudo nmcli con modify "vlan477" +ipv4.routes ""
  1. Apply the changes:
sudo nmcli con down "vlan477" && sudo nmcli con up "vlan477"

VLC Configuration

Once the route is configured, proceed to configure VLC:

  1. Open VLC and navigate to the media streaming options.
  2. Under "Show more options," add the following setting:

Testing the Configuration

To test if you've successfully connected to the HD-BIT-T system:

  1. Use VLC to connect to the network URL:
  1. Optionally, verify the multicast traffic by running:
tcpdump -i vlan477 ip multicast

See Also


  • [Official VLC Documentation]
  • [Official HD-BIT-T Documentation]